- E-HEROが強化された今こそマリシャスデビルの解説だ!!相手ターンに出すプランも一気に増えたぜ!
- マルチャミーニャルスで蘇生、帰還時に1ドロー!!種族属性をフル活用すればいい仕事をしそうだぜ!
- マインドキャスリンでコントロール転移2連発!!はまれば後攻ワンキルも決まりそうな効果だぜ!
- 多層融合でコーディウスが超強化!!後攻ワンキルのお供にもってこいだぜ!
- M∀LICE<Q>WHITE BINDERで墓地除外!!アンダーグラウンドの効果と相性抜群だぜ!
- M∀LICEが来たから異次元グランドをガッツリ解説!!通常罠であることをフル活用すればいい仕事をしそうだぜ!
- M∀LICEテーマで除外をしながら超展開!!サイバース族は意外と除外する手段があるんだぜ!
- 竜華と相性がよさそうな恐竜、海竜、幻竜の一斉考察!!特に恐竜族はカードパワーが高いぜ
- 竜華テーマで重量級の竜で暴れまくり!!あらゆるゾーンを移動しまくる楽しいテーマだぜ!
- デモンスミス新規で2体のモンスターで超展開!!棺の禁止は免れないぜ!
視聴者9520人が「環境」と答えたバケモン紹介【遊戯王カード】 毎ターンサーチする激ヤバ効果だぞ
@Timmiespigeon I FINALLY did it but man that was annoying…Yeah, the invulnerability phase is such a pain… Mhy pls take Kenki out of the spyral abyss…Literally… Just give me the oceanid, even that would be better
We spoke with #Medtronic#RenalDenervation, while also answering some questions about @Medtronic‘s Symplicity Spyral device designHere’s what Jason Weidman had to say medicaldesignandoutsourcing.com/what-is-renal-…@MDTcoronary @MDT_Cardiac
We spoke with #Medtronic#RenalDenervation, while also answering some questions about @Medtronic‘s Symplicity Spyral device designHere’s what Jason Weidman had to say medicaldesignandoutsourcing.com/what-is-renal-…@MDTcoronary @MDT_Cardiac
@chillabelle :0 dashers can’t dash in spyral
@Timmiespigeon I FINALLY did it but man that was annoying…Yeah, the invulnerability phase is such a pain… Mhy pls take Kenki out of the spyral abyss…Literally… Just give me the oceanid, even that would be better
We spoke with #Medtronic#RenalDenervation, while also answering some questions about @Medtronic‘s Symplicity Spyral device designHere’s what Jason Weidman had to say medicaldesignandoutsourcing.com/what-is-renal-…@MDTcoronary @MDT_Cardiac
We spoke with #Medtronic#RenalDenervation, while also answering some questions about @Medtronic‘s Symplicity Spyral device designHere’s what Jason Weidman had to say medicaldesignandoutsourcing.com/what-is-renal-…@MDTcoronary @MDT_Cardiac
@chillabelle :0 dashers can’t dash in spyral
@Timmiespigeon I FINALLY did it but man that was annoying…Yeah, the invulnerability phase is such a pain… Mhy pls take Kenki out of the spyral abyss…Literally… Just give me the oceanid, even that would be better
We spoke with #Medtronic#RenalDenervation, while also answering some questions about @Medtronic‘s Symplicity Spyral device designHere’s what Jason Weidman had to say medicaldesignandoutsourcing.com/what-is-renal-…@MDTcoronary @MDT_Cardiac
We spoke with #Medtronic#RenalDenervation, while also answering some questions about @Medtronic‘s Symplicity Spyral device designHere’s what Jason Weidman had to say medicaldesignandoutsourcing.com/what-is-renal-…@MDTcoronary @MDT_Cardiac
@chillabelle :0 dashers can’t dash in spyral